Dog Details

Danilo Vom Kummelsee HD +/- ED Frei. JLPP clear. Imp. Germany. Owned by Taumata Rottweilers. click to enlarge

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  • TaumataAD

Owned By : Taumata Rottweilers

Male 48 Kgs 
Height: 67cmLength 77cmSire Scott Vom LuchwegDam Patia Vom Kumelsee Print this page

Danilo is a very high drive dog with excellent energy levels. He is from Scott Vom Luchweg who is a son of  Adinos  Vom Der Mattesburg a well know working dog in Germany.

His Mother is Patia Vom Kumelsee. The Kumelsee Kennel  is a well established in Germany known for producing excellent Rottweilers.  He will be available for stud to approved females 2018

Dt. Champion Scott vom Luchweg (28.02.2011-07.07.2014) HD-, ED-, BH, IPO1…/Scott-vom-Luchweg  In memory of him we present his offspring of only 6 months breeding:

Quattro von der Fischermühle, HD-, ED-, JLPP-free, Dt. Champion , BH, IPO 2, ZTP,…/…/Quattro-von-der-Fischermühle  super offspring born in Hungary and Germany, owner Siegmund Trebschuh Germany

Jule von der Holzhaussiedlung, HD-, ED-, JLPP-free, ADRK – Klubsiegerin 2017, Dt. VDH-Champion, ADRK- Klubjugendsiegerin 2015, Bundesjugendsiegerin 2015, Jugend Champion, ADRK/VDH, BH, IPO 1,…/2850531/Jule-von-der-Holzhaus…  super offspring born in Germany, owner: Daniel Kemp Rottweiler Germany

Danilo vom Kümmelsee, HD+/-, ED-, JLPP-free, Excellent rated,…/281…/Danilo-vom-K%C3%BCmmelsee  super offspring born in Greece, owner Bill Patterson New Zealand

Dwina vom Kümmelsee, HD+/-, ED-, JLPP-free, Excellent rated, BH, IPO 1, ZTP,…/5114…/Dwina-vom-K%C3%BCmmelsee  super offspring born in Germany, owner Jürgen Ramona Radtke Germany

Greif vom Königsforst, HD-, ED+, JLPP-free, Bundesjugedsieger 2015, Dt.Champion ADRK/VDH, Dt.Jg.Champion,(ADRK)VDH, BH, AD, IPO 3, ZTP, Körung,…/28…/Greif-vom-K%C3%B6nigsforst  super offspring born in Netherlands and Germany, owner Mario Schlindwein Germany

Juanita aus dem Blumental, HD +/-, ED -, JLPP-N/JLPP, Italian Champion, BH, IPO 1, ZTP,…/259…/Juanita-aus-dem-Blumental  super offspring in Italy, owner Francesco Marino Picciotto Italy

Inka vom Hause Haase, HD-, Polish Jugend Champion, Polish Champion,…/…/Inka-vom-Hause-Haase  owner Adam Haase Poland

Principium Irkut, HD-, ED-, JLPP-free, Jungend Champion. Russia, Champion Russia,…/2624824/Principium-Irkut  owner Ирина Прохорова Russia

Principium Itta, both: HD-, ED-, JLPP-free, Jungend Champion. Russia, Champion Russia,…/2624818/Principium-Itta  owner Ирина Прохорова & Julia Suhocheva Russia

Golia dell’ Oplite, Excellent rated in Italy and Germany,  owner France Nicosia Italy

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